Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Minute Book
Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Minute Book
University of Virginia. Jefferson Society
1880 November 27
Handwritten meeting minutes from the Jefferson Society at the University of Virginia. Woodrow Wilson reports on changes and revisions being done on the society’s constitution.
Hall of Jefferson Society,
The society was called to order at the regular hour by the president,Mr. Wilson . The secretary being absent Mr. Blair was requested to supply his place pro tem. After the calling of the roll & the reading & approval of the mintues of the last meeting, the President yielded the Chair to Mr. Lefevre & the Vice-Pres. elect, Mr. C.C. Gaines took the vice P’s chair.The question for debate was then read, & discussed on the Aff. by Messrs Blair & Youmans , & on the Neg. by Messrs Dabney & Pendleton . When the question was thrown open for general discussion, Mr. Mallet spoke in favor of the negative Question was decided in favor of the Affirmative by a fv ote of 15 to 7. The society returned to the head of nomination & election of members. The names of Messrs Nelson , Frances , & Cockrell were prosed & the gentlemen elected. Members. The report of the Question Committee was then read, & the following question was selected for debate 3 weeks hence: “Should Mormonism be tolerated in the U. S.” To be debated on the affirmative byAff
| Pendleton
| | Neg.
| Robinson
| Redding
| | | Rutherford
| Reynolds
| | | Scott
Mr. Wilson reported in for behalf of the Constitution committee that the com’s work was nearly complete & that they expected to submit their report at the next meeting. The Treasurer made his report, & excuses for fines were received. On the motion of Mr. Wilson , the time for delivering monthly oration was extended to suit the convenience of the Orator elect Mr. James . The Pres. appointed Mr. Blair , Sec., Mr Andrews Ass’t Sec, & Mr. Pendleton Ser of Arms. Mr. Youmans appealed from the Pres’ decision that acceptance of office by applicants for degrees forfeited their pr ivilege of optional attendance. Decision reversed. The question committee for the ensuing term were appointed consisting Messrs Gaines James , Horner , Massie . Vice P. made his report & the society adjourned.
Presd’t. | | Sec. |
The society was called to order at the regular hour by the president,
Original Format
University of Virginia. Jefferson Society, “Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Minute Book,” 1880 November 27, WWP17264, Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Records, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.