Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Minute Book
Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Minute Book
University of Virginia. Jefferson Society
1880 October 29
Handwritten meeting minutes from the Jefferson Society at the University of Virginia.
Hall of Jefferson Society,
The house met at the usual hour & was called to order byMr. Prest Wilson —The roll was called & the minutes of the previous were read & approved. The Society then entered upon the election of orator for the month of December,—Mr. S.H. James was nominated and recd a unanimous vote. There was no debate on the question for the discussion, but a decision was cast in favor of the neg. by a vote of 12 to 2. The Question Com. then submitted its report & the following question was chosen for three weeks hence: “Should Can the US Congress constitutionally prohibit Chinese immigration?” To be debated by the following gentlemen: .
On the neg. Mssrs. On the aff. Messrs. | Andrews .
| | On the Neg. Messrs. | Mc Lemore |
| Atkinson . | | | Hughes |
| Lindsay | | | Reynolds |
A committee of three was appointed to act in conjunction with the Wash. Society in selecting Judges for the magazine medal.TheTreasurer submitted his report & upon motion was adopted. The Com. on Hall improvement made its report, wh. was accepted & the Com. continued. It was moved to instruct the Treasurer to invest two dollars in a load of wood—Carried—Mr. Blair’s motion to amend Sec. 6 of Art. XI by adding “That no article shall be accepted for publication in the Magazine wh. has previously appeared in any other periodical” was brought up, seconded & carried. The chair appointed Mr. B to confer with the Washington Society on this amendment.
There being no report of fines, the second roll was then called & the Society adjourned.
President. | | , Sect’y. |
The house met at the usual hour & was called to order by
On the neg. Mssrs.
A committee of three was appointed to act in conjunction with the Wash. Society in selecting Judges for the magazine medal.The
There being no report of fines, the second roll was then called & the Society adjourned.
Original Format
Meeting Minutes
University of Virginia. Jefferson Society, “Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Minute Book,” 1880 October 29, WWP17260, Jefferson Literary and Debating Society Records, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.