A. Slayton, et. al. to Department of Justice


A. Slayton, et. al. to Department of Justice


Slayton, A.




1920 January 26


Race Riots in Elaine, Arkansas


National Archives and Records Administration 230/06/41 file #158260 box #1284 NARA ID #18


Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library






WHEREAS, The fundamental principle as stated in the Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," definetely determines the status of all citizens of the United States, and

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the United States further provides that no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of the law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law, also that in all criminal prosecution the accused shall enjoy the right of trial before an impartial jury, and

WHEREAS, all past judicial history, all laws of logic, reason and common sense teach, that no impartial court can honestly or with full justice try and convict eleven men upon a blanket charge and within a period of seven minutes, and

WHEREAS, the courts of Arkansas in imposing the death penalty upon eleven negroes without adequate testimony and trial have denied these men those rights guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States, have violated every law of justice and fair play and have defamed the Constitution of this country, and

WHEREAS, we wish to demonstrate our extreme and emphatic resentment and indignation against such unprecedented, unjust, and inhuman proceedure, against such brazen infringement of human rights, such wanton and unlawful shedding of human blood therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that over one hundred citizens at a meeting of the Modern Thought Forum, held January 18th, at 195 Lenox Avenue, N. Y. C. calls upon the President of the United States, the Congress of the United States, the Govenor of Arkansas to conduct a vigorous investigation of the conditions which led up to the Arkansas riots, the arrest and conviction of these men and that the death sentence be stayed.


A. Slayton
B. Mandel
Lila Cransly-Hogtree (?)




Slayton, A., “A. Slayton, et. al. to Department of Justice,” 1920 January 26, LO12620, Race and Segregation Collection, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.