Race and Segregation Collection


Race and Segregation Collection


Hackford, Heidi




Collection of articles and documents copied from the US National Archives and Records Administration on the topic of African Americans and racism during the years of the Wilson administration, including Jim Crow laws and workplace segregation, in several federal agencies.

PLEASE NOTE: There are numerous instances of hateful sentiments and offensive language in the documents of the collection, along with outright expressions of racism by some letter writers.


US National Archives and Records Administration
Library of Congress
US Department of Justice
US Department of Agriculture


Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library




Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library



Collection Items

William Monroe Trotter to James A. Gallivan
William Trotter writes Congressman Gallivan requesting a meeting with President Wilson.

Emmett J. Scott to Carl Byoir
Special Assistant to the War Department sends along a news report about a conference of African American editors to the Committee on Public Information.

Number of Cooperative Employees
Numbers of employees in different divisions.

Robert J. Terry to David F. Houston
Anatomy professor from Washington University in St. Louis requests help in finding African American embryos.

Henry F. Downing to Woodrow Wilson
Writing in regards to Chicago Race riots

Petition Favoring Race Commission
Proceedings of the US Senate including petition to create a commission on the racial question.

Journal of the Senate.
Journal of the US Senate including bill introduced by Mr. Spencer creating a commission on the racial question.

A. Slayton, et. al. to Department of Justice
Race Riots in Elaine, Arkansas

The Workman's Circle to Woodrow Wilson
Writing in concern over unequal death penalty policy

James L. Wilmeth to J. Silas Harris
Request for African American employees in DC from MO.

J. Silas Harris to James L. Wilmeth
Request for African American employees in DC from Missouri.

Theodore Hawkins to Woodrow Wilson
Requesting help to stop lynching.

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer to Henry Allen Boyd
President has no power to stay execution of African Americans in Arkansas race riots.

Henry Allen Boyd to Woodrow Wilson
Urging President to stay the execution of African Americans in Arkansas race riots.

William L. Frierson to James Rudolph Little
The matter he wrote about is under investigation by Department of Justice.

James Rudolph Little to Woodrow Wilson
Writing in regard to 11 men being sentenced to death in riots in Phillip County, Arkansas.

William Pickens to Woodrow Wilson
Writing to ask Congress to investigate the race riots in Helena, Arkansas.

Nick Chiles to A. Mitchell Palmer
Writing in regards to the execution of African Americans in Arkansas race riots

James Weldon Johnson to Woodrow Wilson
Writing in regards to the execution of African Americans in Arkansas race riots.

Citizen of Wabash, Arkansas to Uncle Sam
Woman writing to say that men are being taken away and lynched.

Emmett Scott to Carl Byoir
African-American press' reaction to Wilson's denouncement of mob violence.

JE Hoover to Robert P. Stewart
Writing in regards to making a report on the race riots in Arkansas.

Journal of the Senate Petition Requesting Investigation Into Recent Race Riots.
Petition by a church in West Virginia for an investigation into the recent race riots in the U.S.

Journal of the Senate Petitions for Investigation Into Recent Race Riots.
Journal of the Senate listing petitions asking for an investigation into the recent race riots in the U.S.

CJ Johnson to Woodrow Wilson
Letter to Wilson regarding the lynching of 3 Montgomery, AL prisoners.

Resolution on Race Riots and Lynchings.
Proceedings of the US Senate regarding a proposed investigation of lynchings and race riots.

Florence Randolph and Lizzie Pearce to Woodrow Wilson.
Requesting President use his influence to obtain fair and just treatment "for the race of which we are a part" after recent race riots.

Lynching: A National Menace: The White South's Protest Against Lynching
Pamphlet by Principle of the Hampton Institute regarding lynching in the US

Citizens Committee of Stamford to Woodrow Wilson
Asking President to exercise his authority to enforce the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution and stamp out lynching.

War Mother to Woodrow Wilson
A war mother writes to Woodrow Wilson about soldiers who were killed by police when they returned home.

Press Release: "Editor's Conference Yields Big Results."
Press release on the recent "Conference of Colored Editors and Leaders" held in Washington, DC.

Robert P. Stewart to OM Skinner
Informing Skinner that the subject of mob violence which he raised in a letter to the President falls within the jurisdiction of the states.

OM Skinner to Woodrow Wilson
Asking the President for help with mob violence, segregation, and lynching.

Congressional Investigation of Lynching
Statement of John R. Shillady, Secretary of the NAACP asking for a congressional investigation of lynching.

EL Blackshear to a Colleague
Blackshear feels African American government workers should not give personal religious, political, or racial opinions in official capacity.

Resolution, District of Columbia Branch, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Resolution requesting that acts of racial discrimination in federal bureaus and offices be discontinued.

Walter W. Paris, William King, JD Dobbs to Woodrow Wilson
Committee of the First Congregational Church of Atlanta asks that lynching be made a federal crime.

East St. Louis Riots Investigation Postponed
Proceedings of the US Senate, 1919 Jan 20 re: indefinite postponement of East St. Louis, Ill. riot investigation.

Bradford Knapp to FR Harrison
USDA is proceeding with plans to appoint African American district agents.

Claude R. Porter to Charles M. Williams
Replying that the federal government has no jurisdiction over the killing of African Americans by a mob in Winston-Salem, NC.

Five Dead in Lynching Bee
Newspaper clipping about a mob that attempted to break into a jail in Winston Salem, N.C. in order to lynch a prisoner.

Charles M. Williams to Woodrow Wilson
Requesting the President to intervene to put an end to mob violence.

Columbia, SC to Woodrow Wilson
Lynchings in Georgia, Alabama, and North Carolina

M. Cravath Simpson to Woodrow Wilson
Appeal for lynching to be made a federal crime.

Emmett J. Scott to Carl Byoir
Asking for assistance in putting out "propaganda in promotion of the morale" of African Americans.

John Lord O'Brian to Lee S. Overman
Enclosing Official Bulletin from July 26, 1918 containing the President's statement on mob action.

Lee S. Overman to John Lord O'Brian
Requesting a copy of the President's address "on sanity and patriotism" so he can print it as a public document.

Carl Byoir to Emmett J. Scott
Asking Scott to advise the publishers of African American newspapers regarding the labor advertising campaign.

Press Release on the Office of Emmett J. Scott
Press Release describing how the War Department bureau headed by Emmett J. Scott has grown with the addition of other office workers.

John Lord O'Brian to Lee S. Overman
Requesting publication of the President's recent speech on mob violence so it might be distributed throughout the country.

Carl Byoir to Emmett J. Scott
Asking for the reaction of African Americans to Wilson's speech on mob violence.

Woodrow Wilson to Emmett J. Scott
Press release including text of letter from Woodrow Wilson to Emmett J. Scott expressing Wilson's pleasure with recent African American editors conference.

Emmett J. Scott to Carl Byoir
Informing Byoir that the African American newspapers of the country are expressing gratitude for authorizing use of black nurses in the war effort.

WA Ritter to Woodrow Wilson
President of League of American Patriots of Henry County believes they prevented possible pro-German mob violence.

President Denounces Mob Violence in Appeal to His Fellow Countrymen to Keep Nation's Fame Untarnished
Official Bulletin with text of speech by Woodrow Wilson denouncing mob violence.

What Is Disloyalty?
Newspaper article asking if it is disloyal to protest against lynching, segregation, etc. and asking President Wilson to "do some great deed."

CH James to Woodrow Wilson
Asking the President to denounce lynching at every opportunity.

Joseph H. Stewart to Woodrow Wilson
The President of the Washington, D.C. branch of the Equal Rights League writes in response to a lynching in Madil, Oklahoma.

William W. Sanders to Woodrow Wilson
Asking Wilson to speak out against lynching in his July 4th address.

35 Lynched In US In Past 6 Months
Washington Post article reporting on number of lynchings in U.S.

Archibald H. Grimke to Woodrow Wilson
The District of Columbia branch of the NAACP requests that the President speak out against lynching.

WT Andrews to Clarence Ousley
Petition for a African American representative in the Agricultural Department to serve black farmers.

William M. Randolph to Woodrow Wilson
Pittsburgh branch of the NAACP asks Willson to speak out against lynching.

Andy Dawson to Woodrow Wilson
Call for lynching to be made a federal crime.

Colored Editors and Leaders at Conference
Emmett Scott sends the News Report regarding the convention of African American editors to Carl Byoir.

Address to the Committee on Public Information by Representatives of the Negro Press
Address to the Committee on Public Information with suggested action steps and listing names of all in attendance at conference.

Memorandum re: Convention of Black Editors
Memo that came out of the convention of African American editors asking for an end to lynching, and listing other grievances.

To The Negro Population of the South; Win The War by Working Six Days Per Week
RR Moton, principal of the Tuskegee Institute, calls on African-Americans to aid the war effort by working six days a week.

WS Harvey to TM Campbell
Asking for circulars, posters, pledge cards, etc. for the Saturday Service League.

Assistant Attorney General LaRue Brown to Mrs. Eva B. Davis
Explaining that a Supreme Court case prevents the Department of Justice from taking any action in the matter of lynching and mob violence.

Woman's Home Missionary Society to Woodrow Wilson
Requesting that the same protection given to whites by law and trial be given to African Americans of the South.

Emmett J. Scott to TM Campbell
African American farmers of the South who are cooperating with the US Saturday Service League are providing a great service.

Conference of Black Leaders and Editors
Emmett Scott writes to George Creel suggesting a conference of African American leaders and editors, financed by the Committee on Public Information.

Rebecca Stiles Taylor, et. al. to Woodrow Wilson
Regarding the lynching of Mary Turner in Valdosta, Ga.

TM Campbell to the Mayor
Writing concerning the US Saturday Service League.

Colored Federated Clubs of Augusta to Woodrow Wilson
Letter referencing the lynching of Mary Turner and asking the President to punish the perpetrators and prevent similar occurrences.

J. Francis Robinson Field to Woodrow Wilson
Recounting heroism of African American soldiers in France and requesting assistance regarding lynchings in the US.

Bradford Knapp to Clarence Ousley
Regarding African-Americans in management positions in the federal government.

DL Gore to Woodrow Wilson
Wholesale grocer in N.C. requests the President's assistance regarding lynching.

Julian A. Gregory to Joseph P. Tumulty
Recommending Robert E. Travis.

US Senate Petition for East St. Louis Investigation Report
Petition asking that the report of the committee which investigated the riots in East St. Louis be published.

EL McCaslin to George Edward Creel
Suggesting "special propaganda" for African Americans who may have the wrong impression regarding Liberty Loans.

Memorandum to George Edward Creel
Establishing an African American division within the Committee on Public Information.

Associate Chairman to Robert A. Travis
African American sentiment during the war.

"Negro Artillery Band Throngs East Orange Hall, Clears $926"
African-American 350th Field Artillery Band raises $926 with performance

Robert A. Travis to Carl Byoir
Letter proposing an "educational propaganda" program among African Americans.

National Committee of Patriotic Societies to HH Sheets
German Influence over African Americans, Italian miners, and farm laborers.

Win The War by Working Six Days per Week
US Saturday Service League wants to change the practice of farmers taking Saturdays off in order to raise more food and feed.

How the Negro Can Help Make Food Win the War
Pamphlet produced by the United States Food Administration urging people to eat cornmeal in place of wheat and beans, fish, and poultry in place of meat.

WH Logan, et. al. to Woodrow Wilson
Writing about the African Americans who were shut up in prison without charge in Galveston, Texas.

Max Eastman to Woodrow Wilson
Requesting that the President use the force of moral opinion to help stop lynching.

PJ Bryant, et. al. to Attorney General Thomas W. Gregory
Writing to the Attorney General of the U.S. asking that he help stop lynching in the U.S.

David Franklin Houston to Hon. Tom D. McKeown
Secretary of Agriculture responds to a congressman's request about employing African American farm demonstrators in Oklahoma.

Mrs. BV Leach to Woodrow Wilson
African American citizens request the president enact a law to stop mob attacks.

AB Whitby et. al. (Colored Citizens of the City and State of Oklahoma) to Woodrow Wilson
Requesting Wilson use his position to help end lynching and other forms of discrimination in the U.S.

US Senate Hears Petition for East St. Louis Investigation
Petition for East St. Louis investigation

Petition for East St. Louis Investigation
Petition for East St. Louis investigation heard in the United States Senate.

The United Civic League, Inc. to Woodrow Wilson
Enclosing declaration of principles of the United Civic League.

Report on East St. Louis Riots
Resolution to investigate the causes of the East St. Louis riots is reported with amendments.

US Senate on the East St. Louis Riots
US Senate discusses the events of the East. St. Louis Riots.

RA Pearson to Mr. Harrison
Regarding Senator Bankhead's bill creating an African American division of the Agriculture Department.

James E. Shepard to Woodrow Wilson
Asking the President to make a plea for law and order in all sections of the country in response to growing number of lynchings in the south.

Louis G. Gregory to Woodrow Wilson
Requesting that Wilson speak out against lynching and urge equal enforcement of the laws in his inaugural address.

William C. Redfield to Thomas Wallace Swann
Redfield doesn't believe an "Auxiliary Federal Census Bureau" is needed in order to complete a survey of African American labor.

William C. Redfield to Woodrow Wilson
Redfield writes to the president about the creation of an auxiliary census division which will compile statistics on African American labor.

John F. Monroe to Woodrow Wilson
Requesting Wilson's assistance in addressing lynching and civil rights.

William C. Redfield to William Jennifer
To form a new division in the Bureau of the Census, the law must be changed.

William C. Redfield to William Jennifer
Acknowledging receipt of letter regarding the "Negro Bulletin" published by the Census Bureau

Discrimination in the Army
Congress receives a memorial from the Western States Negro Republican Conference on race discrimination in the Army.

Emmett J. Scott to George Edward Creel
Report on the recent Conference of Negro Editors.

Memorandum for Carl R. Byoir
Describing the proposed work of the African American division of the Committee on Public Information.

Memorandum: The "Extension of Remarks"
Memorandum: The "Extension of Remarks" inserted in the Congressional Record of Feb. 28, 1916, by Representative W.P. Borland.

David F. Houston to James C. Waters Jr.
Acknowledgement of receipt of letter concerning Representative W.P. Borland's remarks on race.

James C. Waters, Jr. to David F. Houston, Secretary of Agriculture
Asking if Representative W.P. Borland's remarks on race were justified.

Archibald H. Grimke to David F. Houston
Regarding City Central Committee of the Democratic Party of St. Louis failing to vote against segregation.

Four Open Letters from the University Commission on Race Questions to the College Men of the South
Anti-lynching pamphlet produced by the University Commission on Race Questions

Dan C. Vaughan to Cornelius Ford
Discussing the capitalization of the word "Negro" in all publications of the Department of Commerce.

William C. Redfield to Chief, Division of Publications
Discussing the capitalization of "N" in "Negro" in the publications of the Commerce Department.

Grant Smith to Director of the Census
Asking why the n in "negroes" is lower case.

William C. Redfield to John E. Bruce
Assuring Bruce that the Department of Commerce desires to deal fairly with African Americans.

Notes by or about Oswald Garrison Villard
Introducing newspaper clipping

Segregated Preparedness
Letter to the Editor of St. Louis Labor discussing resolution proposed by the only African American man in attendance, Richard M. Bolden, which was not adopted.

Ernest Knaebel to JB Winston
Acknowledging the receipt of Winston's letter regarding lynchings of African-Americans, the Assistant Attorney General advises him that the federal government does not have jurisdiction over these crimes.

JB Winston to Woodrow Wilson
Asking for Wilson to denounce the lynchings being carried out against African-Americans.

John S. Collins to Dr. Pratt
Regarding segregation of African American clerks at the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.

Grant Smith to J. Milton Waldron
Reply acknowledging receipt of the National Independent Political League's request for a meeting. Cannot schedule meeting at the desired time.

J. Milton Waldron to  William C. Redfield
Request that Secretary Redfield meet with the National Independent Political League regarding the Department of Commerce.

FB Lehane, Captain of Watch, to Bureau Director
Recounting incident in which white men and women objected to African-American men and women eating with them and the African-Americans were moved.

Colored Delegate Rebuked by Wilson
Newspaper account of President Wilson's harsh words for the delegation of African-American leaders from the National Independence Equal Rights League who met with him to discuss segregation of federal employees.

Memo about Rev. Byron Gunner's desire to meet with Wilson to protest segregation
Governor Walsh asks on behalf of the International Independent Political Equal Rights League that the White House arrange a meeting with Rev. Byron Gunner.

William C. Redfield to Ralph W. Tyler
Acknowledging receipt of a letter on the separate census of African-American occupation statistics.

Colored Employees in the Department of Agriculture
Statement showing the African-American employees, by classes and salaries, in the Department of Agriculture.

William A. Taylor to RM Reese
Letter accompanied by a list of African-American employees in the Bureau of Plant Industry, including name, title or position, and salary.

Robert M. Reese, to James E. Jones
Asking Jones to send someone to Appointment Office to get information on the number of African-American employees in the Bureau of Plant Industry.

RP Clifton to Chief Clerk (RM Reese)
Sending requested list of African-American employees in the Bureau of Entomology.

RL Emerson to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA's Bureau of Chemistry.

CC Clark to Chief Clerk (RM Reese)
List of African-American employees in the USDA Central Office of the Weather Bureau, including position and salary.

Edward C. Easton to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Central Office of the Weather Bureau.

A. Zappone to RM Reese
Letter informing Reese there are no African-American employees in the USDA Division of Accounts and Disbursements.

CC Carroll to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Bureau of Animal Industries.

AG Rice to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Bureau of Soils.

Joseph. A. Arnold to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Division of Publications.

RV Bailey to RM Reese
Informing Reese there were no African-American employees in the USDA Office of Markets or the Office of Rural Organization.

James E. Jones to RM Reese
Bureau of Plant Industry does not have information on the number of African-American employees.

CR Barnett to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Library.

Statement of the Colored Employees in the Office of the Secretary
List of African-American employees in USDA Office of the Secretary.

Nat C. Murray to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Bureau of Crop Estimates.

JG Shibley to Chief Clerk (RM Reese)
Listing one African-American employee in the USDA Insecticide and Fungicide Board.

EW Allen to Mr. Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Office of Experiment Stations.

Vernon M. Peirce to RM Reese
List of African-American employees in the USDA Office of Public Roads.

AB Morrison to Chief Clerk (RM Reese)
List of African-American employees in USDA Bureau of Biological Survey.

RC Althouse to RM Reese
No African-American employees in the Federal Horticultural Board.

Francis G. Coffey to Chief Clerk (RM Reese)
No African-American employees in the Office of the Solicitor.

RM Reese to Chiefs of Bureaus, Divisions, and Offices
Memorandum requesting information on the number of African-American employees in the Department of Agriculture.

WF Callander to Mr. Reese
Memorandum for Mr. Reese asking him to collect information on the number of African-American employees in the Department of Agriculture.

WJ Harris to the Secretary of Commerce
Director of the Bureau of the Census writes that black men are to work on the African American census report.

Oswald Garrison Villard to William Cox Redfield
Villard asks that Redfield ensure the fair representation of blacks in the census report by appointing African American census officials.

WEB DuBois to Oswald Garrison Villard
DuBois shares his fear that if the Census Bureau writes a report with no input from African-Americans, it may be biased against them.

A Poor Widow to Mrs. Woodrow Wilson
An anonymous writer complains that African-American women use the same washstands, toilets, and lunch rooms as white women at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

EF Sweet, Acting Secretary to Oswald Garrison Villard
Regarding a special census report on the African American population to be prepared by the Bureau of the Census.

Segregation of Clerks and Employees in Civil Service
Debate in House of Representatives on the segregation of clerks and employees in the federal bureaus.

Cyrus Northrop et al. to Woodrow Wilson
Urging President Wilson to preserve the unity of the country and prevent the rekindling of sectional feeling by standing against segregation in Washington, D.C..

JE Ralph to Charles S. Hamlin
Ralph informs the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury that due to a shortage of toilet and dressing room facilities in the new building the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is moving into, African-American and white employees will need to share the…

Dr. J Dennis et. al. to Woodrow Wilson
Letter from the Grievance Committee of the New Mexico Protection Association protesting the segregation of African-American employees in the federal government.

Andrew J. Peters to Joseph P. Tumulty
Petition from Rev. Frederick B. Allen et al. against segregation in the federal government, forwarded by Andrew J. Peters.

NAACP to Woodrow Wilson
Moorfield Story et al. request the abolition of racial segregation in the federal departments.

Thomas P. Riley to Joseph P. Tumulty
Meeting regarding segregation of federal offices.

William C. Redfied to the Republican Club
Reply to the Republican Club regarding segregation in government department offices.

The Republican Club of the City of New York to William C. Redfield
The Republican Club writes to urge an end to race prejudice and the segregation of African Americans in government department offices.

JE Ralph to William G. McAdoo
Joseph E. Ralph justifies the dismissal of an African-American employee following a violation of segregation.

WL Austin to Chief Clerk, Department of Commerce
Letter from Acting Director, WL Austin, to Chief Clerk, Department of Commerce, regarding suggestion from Rev. Alexander Walters to establish a division in the Bureau of the Census to handle matters pertaining to African-Americans.

William C. Redfield to WM Trotter
Secretary Redfield denies that a segregation policy has been instituted in the Bureau of Domestic and Foreign Commerce.

WM Trotter to Secretary Redfield
Referring to an article in Boston Record, WM Trotter calls on Secretary Redfield to end segregation in the Bureau of Domestic and Foreign Commerce.

USDA to RJ Terry
Suggesting Terry contact Dr. Dawson about his project.

JE Ralph to Eugene F. Kinkead
JE Ralph writes to Kinkead saying he cannot furnish him with a copy of the segregation order because no formal order has been issued.

EF Kinkead to Joseph E. Ralph
EF Kinkead writes Joseph E. Ralph asking for a copy of an order that implements segregation in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

JE Ralph to Charlotte Everett Hopkins
JE Ralph asks Mrs. Hopkins to give her views on segregation in the Bureau to Miss Nerney of the NAACP.

JE Ralph to May Childs Nerney
JE Ralph shares his views on segregation in the Bureau.

May Childs Nerney to JE Ralph
May Childs Nerney of the NAACP to JE Ralph asking his opinion on the policy of segregation in the federal government.

Memorandum to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury from JE Ralph
JE Ralph notifies the Assistant Secretary that he has sent the names of the three girls who violated the segregation policy at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to Belle C. LaFollette.

JE Ralph, Director to Belle C. LaFollette
JE Ralph to Belle C. LaFollette providing the names of the three girls who violated the segregation policy at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury to Belle C. LaFollette
JS Williams reply to Belle LaFollette telling her he will have JE Ralph give him the names of the three girls who violated the segregation policy at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Belle C. LaFollette to JS Williams
B.C. LaFollette writes to the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury asking for the names of the three girls who violated the segregation policy at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

JE Ralph to John Skelton Williams
JE Ralph writes to Assistant Secretary of the Treasury informing him of the situation regarding the objection to a African American supervisor in the Wetting Division of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

JE Ralph to Rose Miller
JE Ralph's reply to Rose Miller's objections to having a black supervisor, informing her that he has named a white man to the position.

Rose Miller to Joseph Ralph
Rose Miller, an employee in the Wetting Division of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, writes to the Director of the Bureau saying it would be "less humiliating to have a white man in charge."

Memorandum for Assistant Secretary Williams
Memorandum for Assistant Secretary Williams regarding segregation at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

Francis H. Warren to Woodrow Wilson
Letter to President Woodrow Wilson from Francis H. Warren of the Detroit branch of NAACP asking the President to assist in ending lynchings in the US.

Memorandum for the Director
Letter from AE Ball from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to JE Ralph listing three employees who violated the segregation policy in the Bureau.

Acting Secretary to Judge Edward Osgood Brown
Acting Secretary to Judge Edward Osgood Brown acknowledging the receipt of his letter and confirming that there is no segregation policy in effect at the Department.

National Negro Democratic League to Woodrow Wilson
Praise of Wilson’s Innagural Address; thanks for granting meeting.

LC Moore, National Negro Democratic League to Joseph P. Tumulty
Request for a meeting between the President and a committee of the National Negro Democratic League.

Frederick Douglass Center
Pamphlet about Frederick Douglass Center’s social justice work.

William Harrison et al. to Woodrow Wilson
Protest against segregation.
View all 312 items