December 1
1885 "The Modern Democratic State" was a milestone in Woodrow Wilson’s career as a publicist and a scholar. The writing lasted until the 20th of December, 1885.
December 2
1913 President Wilson’s First Annual Address to the Congress. He is the first president to address a joint session of Congress in over a hundred years.
1919 President Wilson's Annual Address to Congress. (seventh)
1918 President Wilson delivers an address to a joint session of the Congress. Talks about the ending of the war and how American support helped and about the conditions that must be taken care of to return the country into its pre-war status in many areas.
December 4
1903 President Wilson of Princeton makes an address on “Civic Patriotism.”
1915 President Wilson requests the German Government to withdraw Boy-Ed and Von Papen because of unneutral and unfriendly conduct in the United States.
1918 President Wilson sails for Europe to attend the Paris Peace Conference.
1917 President Wilson delivers his fifth annual address to a joint session of Congress. He states the war aims and asks for a declaration of war against Austria-Hungary.
December 5
1916 President Wilson delivers his fourth annual address to a joint session of the Congress. He urges Congress to act on pressing legislation already passed by the House .
1891 Professor Wilson delivers a lecture entitled “Democracy”. This lecture was used more frequently before an audience in the 1890’s than any other of his lectures.
December 6
1911 Woodrow Wilson makes an address at Carnegie Hall in New York on "The Rights of Jews."
December 7
1915 President Wilson delivers his Third Annual Address to Congress where he stresses patriotism and preparedness.
1917 A joint resolution declaring that a state of war with Austria-Hungary was adopted in both Senate and the House with only one vote in opposition.
1920 President Wilson communicates his eighth annual message to the Congress.
1887 A literary essay "The Author Himself" is written by Woodrow Wilson.
December 8
1914 President Wilson delivers his second annual address to a joint session of Congress.
December 10
1920 President Wilson receives the 1920 Nobel Peace Prize award.
1897 Woodrow Wilson makes a lecture before the City History Club of New York on “Patriotism Begins at Home."
December 11
1917 President Wilson issues his Proclamation of War with Austria-Hungary.
December 12
1903 An address on education “The College Course and Methods of Instruction" was delivered by Woodrow Wilson at a dinner meeting of the Schoolmaster’s Association of New York and Vicinity at the Hotel St . Denis in New York.
December 13
1906 President Woodrow Wilson begins his fight for the social coordination of Princeton University. This was the quad plan.
December 14
1918 President Wilson arrives in Paris, France. President Poincare welcomes him.
1906 Delivers an address on Patriotism before the Southern Society in New York.
December 17
1896 Woodrow Wilson’s George Washington is published in book form.
December 18
1915 President Wilson marries Edith Bolling Galt (a widow of Norman Galt) at her home in Washington, DC.
1916 President Wilson sends a communication to each of the belligerent powers (and copies also to all neutral nations) asking what terms they want for peace to be concluded on.
December 20
1919 President Wilson appoints a commission to investigate the bituminous coal industry and determine the basis for a new wage agreement.
1899 An historical essay “State Rights (1850-1860) was written by Woodrow Wilson.
December 21
1918 President Wilson delivers an address at the University of Paris, acknowledging an honorary Doctor's degree.
December 23
1913 President Wilson signs the Federal Reserve Act which provided for an elastic currency and twelve reserve districts and banks for each district.
December 24
1919 President Wilson issues a proclamation relinquishing from Federal control all railroads, systems of transportation and property of whatever kind taken or held under such federal control and give it back to its rightful owners. This was to take effect on March 1, 1920 at 12:01 am.
December 25
1918 President Wilson reviews American troops at Humes, France and delivers an address.
December 26
1911 Letter from Wilson to Professor RH Dabney of the University of Virginia concerning “the initiative, referendum, and recall
1917 President Wilson's Proclamation to place the railroads under government control
1918 President Wilson arrives in London and is the guest of the King and Queen of England, at Buckingham Palace.
1901 Woodrow Wilson delivers a commemorative address “The Ideals of America” at Literary Exercises commemorating the 12th anniversary of the Battle of Trenton.
December 27
1918 President Wilson replies to an address of welcome by the King of England at a banquet held in honor of the President and Mrs. Wilson, at Buckingham Palace.
December 28
1856 President Woodrow Wilson was Born in the Manse at Staunton, Virginia.
1918 President Wilson replies to an address by the Lord Mayor at Guildhall, London, England.
1922 Woodrow Wilson is in Staunton, Virginia for a large homecoming celebration and in an address he advocated autonomy and eventual independence for the Philippines.
December 29
1918 President Wilson delivers to the congregation of Lowther Street Congregational Church, Carlisle, England, an address. This was his grandfather's old church.
December 30
1918 President Wilson delivers two addresses at Manchester, England.