November 1
1898 A lecture “Written Constitutions” was delivered by Woodrow Wilson as part of his series on Constitutional Government.
1899 An essay “When a Man Comes to Himself” written by Woodrow Wilson.
1886 Woodrow Wilson's essay “Thc Study of Administration.” is written.
November 2
1898 A lecture “The Theory of Organization" was delivered by Woodrow Wilson as part of his series on Constitutional Government.
1909 Woodrow Wilson makes an address before the McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago on "The Ministry and the Individual."
November 3
1890 Woodrow Wilson in a letter to Albert Shaw writes his plans for a law school at Princeton University.
November 4
1912 Woodrow Wilson elected President of the United States.
1916 President Wilson delivers his final campaign speech at Shadow Lawn, New Jersey.
1918 The Allies agree upon a draft of the armistice .
1915 President Wilson explains the Administration's preparedness programs in an address to the Manhattan Club in New York.
1898 A lecture "Our Congress and Its Powers" was delivered by Woodrow Wilson as part of his series on Constitutional Government.
1897 A lecture by Woodrow Wilson entitled “Tocqueville, the Student of Democracy" was given before the New-Century Club of Wilmington, Del.
November 5
1918 President Wilson sends a note through the Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister. who in turns sends it to Germany. The Allies have agreed to the terms of the as requested by the German Government.
1912 Election Day. Woodrow Wilson is notified of his victory at 10 pm at his home in Princeton.
November 7
1916 President Wilson elected for a Second Term.
1917 President Wilson’s Proclamation for Thanksgiving Day.
November 8
1910 Woodrow Wilson is elected Governor of New Jersey on a progressive platform.
November 10
1923 Former President Woodrow Wilson delivers an address over the radio on the eve of Armistice Day.
November 11
1918 President Wilson proclaims the Armistice in an address before Congress.
1919 First Anniversary of Armistice.
1921 President Wilson pays tribute to Unknown Soldier. He is in the funeral procession from the United States Capitol.
1923 An enormous crowd gathered around President Wilson's house on Armistice Day. He delivered a short address calling the attention of the American people to the ideals they are turning away from.
1883 Woodrow Wilson is elected a member of the Johns Hopkins Glee Club.
November 12
1917 President Wilson makes an address before the American Federation of Labor Convention meeting in Buffalo, New York.
November 14
1916 President Wilson makes an address before the National Grange meeting in Washington, DC.
November 15
1920 President Wilson is sent a message for a speedy recovery from the League members and it also states that he more than anyone else is the one responsible for the League of Nations.
1885 Woodrow Wilson writes three essays on administration,”The Courtesy of the Senate," ”Notes on Administration,” “The Art of Governing.” These were among the first of his writings on administration.
November 16
1907 President Wilson of Princeton makes an address on “Ideals of Public Life.”
November 18
1909 President Wilson addresses the City Club, Philadelphia, on “Political Reform."
1919 President Wilson writes a letter to Senator Hitchcock which was read to the Democratic conference. It urged that those supporting the treaty not vote for the Lodge resolution because in his opinion it would nullify the treaty.
1918 President Wilson announces that he would attend the Peace Conference.
1898 Woodrow Wilson begins a series of five lectures on municipal Government at the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. This lasted until December 15.
1897 A lecture "Bagehot, the Literary Politician" was delivered by Woodrow Wilson before the New-Century Club of Wilmington, Del.
November 19
1919 The United States Senate on motion to ratify the Versailles Treaty with the Lodge reservations stood for 41 Ayes and 51 Nays and thus the treaty failed.
November 25
1886 Woodrow Wilson's essay “Of the Study of Politics.” is written.
November 29
1918 President Wilson announces the Peace Commissioners that will accompany him to the Paris Peace Conference.
1902 An address “The Relation of University Education to Commerce” was delivered by Woodrow Wilson before the Commercial Club of Chicago.
1904 Woodrow Wilson delivers an address on "The Political Future of the South" in New York.
November 30
1920 President Wilson replies to a cable from the President of the Council of the League of Nations. He says that he is unable to send United States military forces for relief projects in Armenia.