August 1
1902 President Wilson is appointed President of Princeton University.
August 2
1905 Wilson publishes a statement on the Princeton Preceptorial System in the Independent.
August 4
1914 President Wilson issues the Proclamation of Neutrality of the United States in regard to the European War.
August 5
1897 An address "Leaderless Government" was delivered before the Virginia State Bar Association at the ninth annual meeting at Hot Springs, Virginia, by Woodrow Wilson.
August 6
1914 Death of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson (Ellen Axson) the first wife of President Wilson.
August 7
1912 Woodrow Wilson accepts the nomination for President of the United States in a speech at Seagirt, New Jersey
August 8
1919 President Wilson delivers an address at a joint session of Congress on the cost of living. He asks that the present Food Control Act should be extended.
1923 Former President Woodrow Wilson accompanies the body of President Harding from the White House to the Capitol.
1886 Woodrow Wilson’s elementary text of the American State is published.
August 10
1916 The Grain Standards Act is signed by President Wilson which authorized the secretary of agriculture to investigate the handling, grading, and transportation of grain, and to promulgate standards of equality and condition for corn, wheat, rye, oats, barley, flaxseed, soybeabs, and such other grains as in his judgement needed such action.
1917 President Wilson signs the Lever Act which established control over food and fuel. Herbert Hoover was the Food Administrator.
1920 Turkey in the Sevres treaty recognizes Armenia as a free and independent state and agrees to accept President Wilson’s award as to boundary.
August 111916 President signs the Warehouse Act which provided for the licensing by the secretary of agriculture of warehouses in which agricultural commodities are stored for shipment in interstate commerce.
1917 President Wilson delivers an address before the officers of the Atlantic Fleet. He tells them that he wants the officers to direct the war and tell how it is to be won.
August 19
1914 An appeal by President Wilson to Americans to remain neutral.
1919 President Wilson holds a conference at the White House with members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
August 23
1894 Addressed the American Bar Association at Saratoga Springs on "The Legal Education of Undergraduates.” He tells what he thought an ideal undergraduate pre-legal curriculum, and what he thought of the disorders of 1893-4.
August 25
1916 President Wilson signs the bill creating the National Park Service. This bureau was established to protect the nation’s parks and monuments.
August 27
1913 President Wilson delivers an address before a joint session of Congress on ”Mexican affairs- What is it our duty to do?”
1917 President Wilson replies to a communication from His Holiness Benedictus XV, Pope, addressed “To the Rulers of the Belligerent Peoples,” setting out peace proposals.
August 28
1920 The Nineteenth amendment provided the right of women suffrage in the United States.
1887 Jessie Woodrow Wilson, the second of Woodrow Wilson’s daughters was born.
August 29
1916 Council of National Defense is created and is composed of the secretaries of War, Navy, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, and Labor. It was empowered to coordinate the industries and resources of the nation in the interest of military preparedness.
1916 President Wilson signs the Jones Act which granted to the Philippines a territorial status within the United States, and as soon as a stable government could be established it was to have independence.
1916 President Wilson delivers an address before a joint session of Congress on the threatened railroad strike. He urges legislation and endorsed an 8-hour day for railroad workers.
August 30
1917 President Wilson issues a statement announcing that the price of wheat that was fixed by the Food Administration, under Act of August 10, 1917.
August 31
1918 President Wilson’s Second Conscription Proclamation “all males between 18 and 45 years of age.”
1901 A political essay of Woodrow Wilson’s is written and was published in Problems in Modern Democracy in November 2, 1901 .
1893 Woodrow Wilson delivers a lecture "Edmund Burke: The Man and His Times”.
1910 Woodrow Wilson makes an address before the American Bar Association o f Chattanooga, Tenn. on "The Lawyer and the Community."