2 items found
Tags: race crime
Title Identifier Creator To Date Numeric Type Subject
JG Jack to George W. WickershamL031312bJack, JGWickersham, George W. (George Woodward), 1858-19361912 March 1119120312TextLynching
Creator:Jack, JG
To:Wickersham, George W. (George Woodward), 1858-1936
Date:1912 March 11
Description:Letter to the Attorney General of the US suggest the views of African Americans can be obtained from the Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
WR Harr to JG JackL031312aHarr, WRJack, JG1912 March 1319120313TextAfrican-Americans--segregation
Creator:Harr, WR
To:Jack, JG
Date:1912 March 13