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Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia

William E. Walling Sends Statement by Henry L. Slobodin


William E. Walling Sends Statement by Henry L. Slobodin


Henry L. Slobodin






Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Papers, 1786-1957


William English Walling
Sends a statement by Mr. Henry Slobodin, a Russian Socialist.

Mr. Slobodin's theme is an American propaganda in this country as active and intelligent as the German propaganda, in order to show the American side of the war to the foreign population. He says in dealing with the widespread opposition to the war the United States has "shown a lack of knowledge and training in the science of government.

"I have particularly in mind that part of the foreign-born population of this country which speaks and reads other languages than English millions of them. It may be taken for granted that they are accessible to argument... but no arguments were used for the American side of the question. The Germans and pro-Germans pour millions of dollars into a campaign of education for the purpose of arousing discontent against the American Government and the war. The Americans rely upon big-feeted detectives and policemen's clubs to hold the foreign population in check. They do nothing to gain and hold the allegiance of the foreign population."

Says the foreign population would prefer to support the government. We must show them that we are just as much for peace as they arethrough the foreign papers, etc. This must be backed by the authority and prestige of the Government. There are many Germans in this country of high intelligence who are true Americans. They have written and spoken for America, and have received no support. They should be utilized.

Advocates same policy of education with regard to the Jews, who are now "misled by a bastard idealism of peace."

Says there are many Russians in America well known and of high repute in Russian revolutionary circles and pro-Ally, who should have been sent at once to Russia as emissaries of the American side. Mentions a Dr. C. Shidlovsky (Ph.D.) who is a personal friend of Kerensky, Breshkowskaya and others. "But the Americans were too self-sufficient. They sent the Root commission which was lost in Russia like babes in the woods. I am convinced that had America taken advice and acted with intelligence and energy, it could have saved the eastern Russian debacle."

Mr. Slobodin is strongly pro-Ally.