Woodrow Wilson to Cecil A. Spring Rice
I learn with the greatest pleasure through your letter to Mrs. Wilson of December third, that you are really getting well enough to be released from the restrictions your doctors put upon you. It is delightful to know that we are to see something of you and that you have come so finely out of your illness which distressed us.
Since Mrs. Wilson received your note, I have myself been unwell, but not seriously. It is the result of a very severe cold and I have, therefore, been delayed in replying to your interesting suggestion that you would like to have an opportunity to present the address of congratulation from the citizens of Carlisle. I am very much interested and touched that they should have thought of sending me such an address and it will give me great pleasure to have you present it so soon as you feel inclined. I shall take the liberty of asking my office to get in touch with the Embassy so that your convenience may be consulted in the matter and an hour and day fixed upon.
Woodrow Wilson
Sir Cecil Spring–Rice,
The British Embassy.