Louis D. Brandeis to Woodrow Wilson


Louis D. Brandeis to Woodrow Wilson


Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941




1913 May 19


Wilson Papers, Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Washington, District of Columbia


Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924--Correspondence


May 19, 1913.
My dear Mr. President:

Referring to our recent conference concerning the Industrial Commission:First: Further deliberation confirms my conviction that I ought not to accept the appointment you so kindly offered.Second: I have, as you suggested, considered carefully the selection of a Chairman, and am of opinion that, all things considered, President Van Hise of the University of Wisconsin, would be the best appointment. If you select him I suppose you would wish to select as the other two representatives of the general public, a sociologist and a social worker; and that one of these two would be a woman.Third. As stated to you, it seems to me very important that one of the representatives of organized labor should be an I. W. W. man. I have talked over with John Graham Brooks, Lincoln Steffens and Walter Lippman, (men whom I deem the most competent to advise,) the question, who should be selected to represent the I. W. W.; I thought we had found the right man; but learn today that the man we selected has resigned from the I. W. W. I hope to report very soon further on this.
If you desire to talk with me, I shall, of course, be glad to go to Washington for the purpose.

Very truly yours
Louis D. Brandeis¹

Hon. Woodrow Wilson,
White House
,Washington, DC

¹ Underlined by hand.

Original Format



Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924




Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941, “Louis D. Brandeis to Woodrow Wilson,” 1913 May 19, WWP17767, First Year Wilson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.