Coordination of the Activities of the Government of the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy


Coordination of the Activities of the Government of the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy


McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946




c . 1918


Memorandum by McCormick, Hoover, and Baruch after President Wilson's revisions.


Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Papers


Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum


World War, 1914-1918--United States
Allied Powers
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924--Correspondence


Anna Phillips






Document scan was taken from Library of Congress microfilm reel of the Wilson Papers. WWPL volunteers transcribed the text.


The Government of the United States recognizes that in addition to military and naval action a careful coordination is necessary between the governments now associated in the war against Germany in

Export and Import relations
Raw Materials and manufactured or partly manufactured products, exclusive of foodstuffs.

The activities which should be grouped under each of these heads are at present organized in the several governments, where in each field Ministers are charged with the formulation of national programmes. Responsibility for the formulation and execution of a common programme for the associated governments will naturally be vested in these Ministers. By “Ministers” is meant the departmental heads responsible directly to the President or the Ministries of the respective governments, whether called Ministers, Secretaries, departmental heads, chairmen of boards, or by whatever title.

The Government of the United States agrees that where the subject matter to be dealt with is intricate, voluminous, or in need of continuous attention, the several Ministers should appoint representatives to sit upon joint committees or “executives” charged with making studies upon which the Ministers are to formulate a common programme, and that these committees or “executives” should be charged with the carrying out of such programmes as have been adopted by the Ministers upon their recommendation.

It being the primary object of this method of conference to insure better cooperation in activities which have to do with the provision of supplies, programmes should primarily be formed by or under the direction of the Ministers representing foodstuffs, raw materials, and manufactured or partly manufactured products. The Government of the United States understands that the formulation of common programmes in these matters will be limited to cases

(a) Where two or more governments are interested in supplies which must be transported overseas to supplement deficiencies in local production; or,

(b) Where the several sources of supply should be agreed upon, and the allotment and method of their distribution or utilization; or,

(c) Where there might without agreement be competition between governments in procuring supplies or a wasteful duplication of productive effort.

When provisional programmes respecting the commodities mentioned above have been agreed upon within the limits specified by the Ministers in charge of such commodities, such programmes will be
(a) Coordinated with finance through the Inter-Allied Commission.

(b) Coordinated with shipping through the Inter-Allied Maritime Council.

(c) Coordinated with export and import relations through an Inter-Allied board made up of the heads or representatives of the United States War Trade Board and similar departments of the other governments.

If it is impossible to secure a unanimous acceptance of a programme by the various Ministers, differences of opinion will be submitted to the President of the United States and the Premiers of the Allied Governments represented for final determination.

In the event that the Ministers in charge of any of the groups of activities here dealt with feel that the formulation of programmes is delayed or rendered difficult by the geographical separation of the Ministers from one another, and that the difficulties cannot be obviated by personal conference consistently with their other duties, any such Minister may appoint a personal representative to sit at a foreign capital. This representative may exercise such control as the Minister by whom he is appointed may determine over the Minister’s appointees or “executives” sitting at such capital.

Original Format





McCormick, Vance Criswell, 1872-1946, “Coordination of the Activities of the Government of the United States, Great Britain, France and Italy,” c . 1918, WWP25060, World War I Letters, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.