Wilson Boards Sylph for Short Sea Trip


Wilson Boards Sylph for Short Sea Trip






1913 April 27


President Wilson sails on a government yacht.


Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia




For the first time since his inauguration last March, President Wilson left Washington yesterday. He steamed away on the Slyph, one of the government yachts, in search of quiet and freedom from annoyance and worries such as the proposed land laws of California and tariff reform. He is due to return tonight.

The destination of the President is not definitely known. The trip was ordered by Dr. Cary Grayson, naval aid at the White House, and it was a part of the physician’s plan that the whereabouts of his patient should not be known. Dr. Grayson was determined that the only means of communication between the President and the outside world should be the wireless outfit on board the yacht. This is the first time President Wilson has availed himself of either of the government yachts.

It was said, however, that the President was to steam down the Potomac to the Virginia Capes and possibly out some distance to sea before the Sylph turned her nose again toward the Capital. These two days of absolute rest and quiet will set President Wilson on his feet, it is hoped, and rid him of an intestinal trouble with which he has been suffering.

The only members of the White House family accompanying the President on the trip are Miss Eleanor Wilson and the physician. Mrs. Wilson was unable to make the journey because of important social engagements.

Original Format





Unknown, “Wilson Boards Sylph for Short Sea Trip,” 1913 April 27, WWP20708, Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.