Ray Stannard Baker to Cary T. Grayson


Ray Stannard Baker to Cary T. Grayson


Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946




1937 November 15


Ray Stannard Baker sends Cary Grayson the latest volume in his biography of Woodrow Wilson.


Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia




Dear Friend Grayson

I am sending you, under separate cover, a copy of my last volume, Number VI, of the Wilson biography. If this keeps on going, I think you will have to build an addition to your house to hold the set!

I have compunctions sometimes in letting this work run to such length, but the material is so important, historically, that I have felt a kind of compulsion to put in as much of it as I could. I need not tell you what a tremendous amount of labor I have put on this period!

I have another feeling in sending you this book, one of trepidation, since it treats a period which you yourself knew so deeply and intimately. If you have the courage to make your way through this somewhat voluminous treatment of the period, I should be most grateful for any criticisms or suggestions, especially along general lines, since they may assist me in dealing with the events yet to come.

I do wish that our obrbits might cross each other more often, for I always think of you with warm interest and affection, together with admiration for the fine work that you are now doing.

Kindly remember me to Mrs. Grayson, and to those fine sons of yours.

Cordially yours,

Ray Stannard Baker

Original Format



Grayson, Cary T. (Cary Travers), 1878-1938




Baker, Ray Stannard, 1870-1946, “Ray Stannard Baker to Cary T. Grayson,” 1937 November 15, WWP16889, Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.