Harry S. Knapp to Cary T. Grayson


Harry S. Knapp to Cary T. Grayson


Knapp, Harry Shepard, 1856-1923




1919 June 19


Harry S. Knapp sends Cary T. Grayson a report on Itialian occupied Dalmatia.


Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia




My dear Admiral

I have received a lot of mail from Admiral Andrews today and I will give you some extracts that will tell you about it for any assistance that it might be to the President.

The first thing refers to a disorder at Spalato under Admiral Andrews’ reference #3612, 16 June: There was a row between some Italian officers and boys from 16 to 20, during which a railway guard fired a revolver. Admiral Andrews telegraphed me about this and wanted to have a mixed Allied court martial, which I declined to authorizedas I knew of no machinery in existence providing for such a mixed court and believed it would become a matter of controversy. Admiral Andrews in his letter, paragraphs #6 and #7 gives some conclusions which I quote below as representing his judgment of affairs:The Admiral also sent me a copy of Captain Pommerol’s report, of which I sent a copy to you the night before last so that you can keep that copy if it is of any use to you. Among other things, Admiral Andrews spoke of some deportations that were consequent upon Captain Pommerol’s visit to the island of Lesina, forwarding a letter from somebody whose signature is not decipherable and mentioning ten people, including three dominican priests, two merchants, lawyer, notary, schoolmaster and a clerk.

The Admiral also sent a letter, reference 36-6 of 16 June, with a number of enclosures. I quote from his letter as follows:One of the enclosures in this letter was a copy of a letter from the President of the Provincial Government of Dalmatia itself, enclosing translation of a circular to the young officer of occupied Dalmatia by Vice-Admiral Millo of the Italian Navy, who styles himself “Governor”, although the circular is dated at Split (Spalato).

I hope I am not flooding you with this stuff, which if it is a duplication of information already in the President’s hands, will be unnecessary; but I am letting you have it in view of its possible use by the President.

Very sincerely yours,

HS Knapp.

Original Format



Grayson, Cary T. (Cary Travers), 1878-1938




Knapp, Harry Shepard, 1856-1923, “Harry S. Knapp to Cary T. Grayson,” 1919 June 19, WWP15802, Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.