Woodrow Wilson to Cyrus H. McCormick


Woodrow Wilson to Cyrus H. McCormick


Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924




1917 April 27


Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Papers, 1786-1957


My dear Cyrus:

You may have seen in the papers that we are thinking of sending a commission to Russia. I am very anxious that the commission should be really representative of what we are and of what we are thinking and I am writing to ask if it will not be possible for you to be a member of the commission. I hope most sincerely that it will be, for I believe that your cooperation will be of the highest value.

The plan would be for the commission to start as soon as its members could get ready for the journey and to take a government vessel at San Francisco and proceed directly to Vladivostok.

This route has been adopted not merely because it is the safer route, but also because it is thought that the impression made in Russia would be all the deeper if the commission crossed Siberia where the most dramatic effects of the recent revolution have been witnessed.

The object of the commission is, primarily, to show our interest and sympathy at this critical juncture in Russian affairs and, secondly, to associate ourselves in counsel and in all friendly services with the present Government of Russia. It is the opinion of those best acquainted with Russia that the time is most opportune for a visit of this sort from commissioners of the United States and that the effect of it will be in every way helpful and stimulating.

Cordially and sincerely yours,
Woodrow Wilson

Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick,
Chicago, Illinois.


Cyrus H. McCormick





Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924, “Woodrow Wilson to Cyrus H. McCormick,” 1917 April 27, WWP21288, World War I Letters, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.