William M. Ingraham to Woodrow Wilson


William M. Ingraham to Woodrow Wilson


William M. Ingraham




1917 October 17


Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Papers, 1786-1957


My dear Mr. President

In addition to the Liberty Loan campaign which is being carried on throughout all branches of the army, both here and abroad, the War Department has arranged to lend the services of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps in cooperating with the Treasury Department and the twelve Federal Reserve District Banks in establishing an Aviation Day, which is to be on Saturday, October 20th.

On this day a minimum of forty-five aeroplanes and three army balloons will fly over twenty-eight cities dropping literature in the shape of Liberty Bond bombs for the purpose of stimulating subscriptions to the bonds on behalf of the civilian population.

It is planned that in each of the twenty-eight cities there will be dropped a larger bomb tightly sealed and bearing a message which will be directed "To the Mayor" from Washington. Attached to the bomb will be long, colored streamers which will make its flight through the air easy to follow. Whoever finds this coveted prize is to take it immediately to the Mayor of his town, to whom it is addressed, who will break the seal, read it and then arrange immediately for its publication so that the people of the United States may know its contents. No intimation of what this message contains or who is to sign it has been given.

That the United States will measure up to all of her obligations in this international crisis there is no doubt. At times, however, it is necessary, as you well know, to help stimulate and direct the initiative of our people. To this end and in direct application to the sale of second Liberty Loan bonds at a time when the campaign has but seven more days to run, it would be a matter of great national importance if you would find it advisable to give us a statement for publication in the way which I have just outlined.

We are conscious of the privilege which has been given us to cooperate in the sale of the second Liberty Loan bonds.

Sincerely yours,

Wm M Ingraham
Acting Secretary of War.

The President,
The White House.


Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924





William M. Ingraham, “William M. Ingraham to Woodrow Wilson,” 1917 October 17, WWP22027, World War I Letters, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.