Margaret Woodrow Wilson to Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre


Margaret Woodrow Wilson to Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre


Wilson, Margaret Woodrow, 1886-1944




1906 October 29


Margaret Wilson updates Jessie Wilson Sayre about their sister’s time at school.


Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University




Dearest darling Jessie

President's RoomI really meant to write to you in the middle of the week but my intentions were nbetter than my actions I promise that I will write again this week before Sunday. In case you have not heard from Nellie I will give you the gist of the two letters we have received from her. The first one was a very melancholy, homesick letter. She said that she felt like an outsider entering the junior class, and being the only new member of it and that she was afraid she wouldn't make friends The second letter was more cheerful The girls proved to be the opposite of unapproachable and offish. They have been very sweet to her, and she is in love with her roommate, and feels that she will get along with the girls very well. Those on her floor are especially nice. She hates the rules, which are very binding and restrictive; but I hope she'll get used to them. She can't go off the campus without a chaperone etc, etc.
Well dear how are you & how is your work getting on? I should love to know. I am having the time of my life. I went to the tea at Mrs Magies & talked to numbers of young men, and enjoyed myself immensely.
Thursday I had a lovely time at Mrs Williams, where I dined. Henry Meade is a perfectly fascinating little boy yet, and thinks he is desperately in love with me, swears that he will marry me.
Friday I went to a little tea at Mrs Harper's. I was the only girl, and had the young men, three of them, one graduate student—two preceptors, all to myself, which I enjoyed very much, and which they seemed to enjoy for a wonderI have had two callers this week. Mr Winship and Mr Kellog. What do you think! I am in the church choir. There is going to be a choir besides the regular quartille. The choir will sing only occasionally. We had a rehearsal Sat. night and Mr Kellog, one of the Tenors, came home with me, and we sang for an hour, and had oh such a lovely time! I have sung for the Beech family, and they like my voice. You see Princeton is going to be gay this winter after all. Friday night we will have a caterers dinner here. 20 people. Mr & Mrs McKee are coming down in the formal opening of the Old North room and will stay here, and have a dinner given to them. As they have a daughter about 22 we will both appear at the dinner! Dumont Clarke will be my partner! Saturday night Mrs David Magie is giving a dinner to me. I hope the recounting of all these gaieties doesn't bore you. Please say so if it does in your next letter.Mr John R Williams is dead. Aren't you sorry for his poor little wife? She is going to live on here and keep Mrs Turner's house this year. Mr Cameron the old man is also dead!I don't believe there is any other news to tell you, except indeed that dear old H Armor come tomorrow, to stay overnight with me—I am crazy to see her—wish you could! Tell Mary White that I simply devoured her letter, and will write soon. Give her just immeasurable love. Goodbye dear heart—with inexpressible love I am,

Your devoted sister,

Original Format



Sayre, Jessie Woodrow Wilson, 1887-1933




Wilson, Margaret Woodrow, 1886-1944, “Margaret Woodrow Wilson to Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre,” 1906 October 29, WWP17348, Jessie Wilson Sayre Correspondence, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.