Margaret Woodrow Wilson to Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre


Margaret Woodrow Wilson to Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre


Wilson, Margaret Woodrow, 1886-1944




1903 September 1


Margaret Wilson describes life at Goucher College, including various clubs she is involved in.


Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Princeton University




Darling precious little Jess

I am writing in Goucher Hall, waiting for my next class which is in a quarter of an hour. I thought you would not mind if I scribbled you a little note. I wish you were here darling. I am having the time of my life. What do you think! I have been elected to the “Southern Club.” Isn't that fine. I'm so happy over it. I am going to their first meeting this afternoon. I am also going to the Y.W.C.A. tea this afternoon. They have divided the freshman class. tournament between the Freshmen and the Sophomores. I am going into the perliminaries just for fun. They are coming off very soon. The tournament is one of the most exciting events in the college year. The whole college faculty and all the students turn out in their caps and gowns and carrying the class colours, and yell the poor little players almost deaf.
How is dear Uncle Stock? I wish I could see him. And how is dear darling little Jess? I hope she is well. I am afraid I will have to go to class now. I may add some more to this letter If I have not time I will enclose it in my letter to Mamma, which I am going to write as soon as I can ever snatch a moment. I received her letter this morning.

Your loving sister,

Original Format



Sayre, Jessie Woodrow Wilson, 1887-1933



Wilson, Margaret Woodrow, 1886-1944, “Margaret Woodrow Wilson to Jessie Woodrow Wilson Sayre,” 1903 September 1, WWP17307, Jessie Wilson Sayre Correspondence, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.