3 items found
Tags: investigation of lynchings
Title Identifier Creator To Date Numeric Type Subject
Journal of the Senate Petitions for Investigation Into Recent Race Riots.R100719Journal of the Senate.1919 October 719191007TextAfrican-Americans--segregation
Creator:Journal of the Senate.
Date:1919 October 7
Description:Journal of the Senate listing petitions asking for an investigation into the recent race riots in the U.S.
Resolution on Race Riots and Lynchings.R092219Journal of the Senate.1919 September 2219190922TextAfrican-Americans--segregation
Creator:Journal of the Senate.
Date:1919 September 22
Description:Proceedings of the US Senate regarding a proposed investigation of lynchings and race riots.
Journal of the Senate Petition Requesting Investigation Into Recent Race Riots.R101419Journal of the Senate1919 October 2219191022TextAfrican-Americans--segregation
Creator:Journal of the Senate
Date:1919 October 22
Description:Petition by a church in West Virginia for an investigation into the recent race riots in the U.S.