Lithuanian Delegation to Woodrow Wilson


Lithuanian Delegation to Woodrow Wilson


Lithuanian Delegation




1919 January 23


The Lithuanian Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference following World War I requests standing room in the conference deliberations in a letter to Woodrow Wilson.


Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia




Dear Mr President

We, the Lituanians, are a small nation. We are a distinct nation; distinct in breed in language and in culture. We are common only in our human suffering. That we share with all the so-called small, weak peoples, of which we are one. But we small nations have been the cause of wars, many wars.

Lithuania is one of those lesser states which was the cause of this war. The greater powers have faught over us, and now some of the greater powers are sitting at a peace conference to deal with our fate as a possible cause of the next war.

We, the representatives of the Lithuanian people, ask for a place at this Pleace Conference. We do not seek a seat at the table, but we do ask in our pride for standing room back against the wall - where we have stood so long - waiting to be heard when the question of our fate is to be determined. This we do ask on the ground that we are deeply concerned in our own fate and upon the principle accepted in the armistice which suspended this war: the principle of self-determination.

And we promise, when present, to abide in the spirit in which the League of Nations is being conceived:

If there be any city, any port, any part whatsoever of our native land which, in dispute, might be a seed of war, we will undertake that our people will deliver it over to the League of Nations to be held in trust, without imposts, duties or restrictions, free to all men until we, by our democratic government at home and our generous attitude toward our neighbours shall feel that we are ready and fit for another hearing. Then we shall appeal again, to the League of Nations, in a petition that the people in the disputed territory be permitted to exercise their right of self-determination and decide whether they would not better come back to us.

With the assurance of our sincere respect and the request for a reply to be transmitted to our people in Lithuania, we beg leave to subscribe ourselves.

C. Olsauskij

BF Nustaukas
for. General Secretary

Original Format



Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924



Lithuanian Delegation, “Lithuanian Delegation to Woodrow Wilson,” 1919 January 23, WWP15626, Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.