George F. Peabody to Woodrow Wilson


George F. Peabody to Woodrow Wilson


Peabody, George Foster, 1852-1938




1918 November 10


Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Papers, 1786-1957


Dear Mr. President

My admiring thought has gone out to you during these thrilling days when the results of your careful thinking through and the result of your consequent cooperating "Force, force without limit" has brought to pass the complete collapse and realized failure of the military power -- I honor you again and send you greeting which I rejoice to have go to you from all the world except Col Roosevelt and Senator Lodge whose true character is thus so fully demonstrated I do not at all concede that if the US had gone into the war earlier the end would have come at less cost and more quickly --I feel confident that history will justify your splendid course as wise beyond precedent --I have been disquieted with the revelation of the selfish residuum in our American citizenship which made them so readily flee the ridiculous phantom of an unwarranted of autocrats and also their ignorant prejudice against Free Trade has again proved the salvation of the efficient Republican organization -- I am in a way heartsick at such a hindrance to your great plans -- but as usual I am cheered by my great faith in you and your mission --I am confident you will lead us onward and upward

The indications respecting the Negro future are disturbing -- I fear increasingly so -- I wonder if it would be in any way possible for you to see me for a few moments of consideration of it -- I plan to be in Washington on the 14th & 15th en route to Hampton and on the 18th and 19th returning - I will venture to inform Mr. Tumulty when I reach the City -- I am with intense sympathy and deep enthusiasm for your victorious leadership

Faithfully Yours

George Foster Peabody

His Excellency
The Honorable Woodrow Wilson
Washington, DC

Original Format



Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924




Peabody, George Foster, 1852-1938, “George F. Peabody to Woodrow Wilson,” 1918 November 10, WWP22591, World War I Letters, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.