Federico A. Pezet to William Jennings Bryan


Federico A. Pezet to William Jennings Bryan


Pezet, Federico A.




1914 February 11


Federico A. Pezet writes to William Jennings Bryan about the recent overthrow of the government in Peru.


Wilson Papers, Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Washington, District of Columbia


Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924--Correspondence




My dear Mr. Bryan

This morning I have received a lengthy cable dispatch from Lima advising me of some of the causes that led to the coup d’etat of the 4th. instant , which if it had not taken place would have given rise to a very serious situation , the establishment of a dictatorial power by President Billinghurst.
It appears that in order to prepare the citizens for the dissolution of Congress manifestations were organized with all of the lowest elements , clamoring to the Executive to take such a drastic measure . The newspapers that protested against such a course were immediately closed by order of the President ; several Senators and Deputies and other distinguished citizens were imprissoned because of their views and of their influence . Had the nation allowed President Billinghurst to dissolve Congress there is no saying what might have followed next . It was because of the attacks on constitutional government of this revolution from above — if I may so describe the acts of the Chief Executive — that the whole peruvian nation has given its support to Congress , unreservedly . The army as the custodian of the Constitution and the defender of Law and order has placed itself at the disposal of Congress thus menaced by the Executive . A proof that this has been no revolutionary movement to promote personal ambitions is found in the fact that all of the employees of the Administration have retained in their posts Nothing has been changed , the life of the nation continues and only after the >President had signed his resignation did Congress select from amongst the leading members of each political party a fit personnel to constitute the Provisional Junta , and in when it vested Executive Power to carry on the functions of constitutional government .
Great Britain , France , Italy , Belgium , Argentina , Uruguay have already recognized the Provisional Government and entered into official relations with it . Conditions are normal throughout the republic , consequently Peru cannot be said to be in a state of revolution , or that its government is revolutionary and unconstitutional . The recognition of the Provisional Government by the United States means a great deal to my country and I sincerely hope that the President may will do this with the least possible delay . I beg to thank you , dear Mr. Bryan , for the way in which you have allowed me to converse with you over the telephone during the last few days , during which I could not leave my room through illhealth , and I most sincerely appreciate the very kindly interest that you have taken for the affairs of Peru during this crisis .

Yours very sincerely,
F. A. Pezet

Honorable, William Jennings Bryan ,&c. &c. &c.
Washington, DC

Original Format



Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925





Pezet, Federico A., “Federico A. Pezet to William Jennings Bryan,” 1914 February 11, WWP18347, First Year Wilson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.