Luis Cabrera to William Phillips


Luis Cabrera to William Phillips


Cabrero Lobato, José Luis




1914 January


Wilson Papers, Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Washington, District of Columbia


Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924--Correspondence


Dear Mr. Phillips

The last communication of Gen. Carranza instructs me to limit myself to the question of raising the embargo, in as much as he considers that the others points in our discussion, do not bear a direct relation to the question of the importation of arms and ammunition.- Under this circumnstances, I think it necessary for me to insist on limit myself to said raising of the embargo, leaving for a later date the discussion of the other points at a time when they can be dealt with under conditions easier than by means of telegrams.-I feel sure that Gen. Carranza, who has had no ocassion to be in direct touch with you as I have, cannot appreciate, being so far away, all those circumstances which have created in my mind the impression that the President of the United States is dealing the Mexican question with desinterest and high mindness.-Mr. Pesqueira, Confidential Agent of the Revolution in Washington has the same opinion as I have about the good faith and lofty ideas which lead the President of the United States to wish to avoid any danger of armed intervention in México.- He also thinks, as I do, that any probability, threat or actual act of intervention, or any efforts made by the European Governments to bring about such intervention, would be entirely disastrous for our cause, and absolutely favorable to the interests of Huerta, who, in fact, wishes for nothing else.-We also hold the same views in considering that any act of intervention on the part of the United States, would be a political disaster for our country, which we will have to avoid, even to the extent of allowing Huerta to remain in power a little longer, and that the only practical means of avoiding all these dangers, lies in arranging, when the time comes, that any attack to the Capital of the Republic of México, or to the reilway between Veracruz and México, shall be made in such a manner that the foreign residents in the Capital, and their legations, be placed in safety, so that every possibility of complaint on the part of the European diplomats, shall be removed.-All these points upon which Mr. Pesqueira’s views and mine meet, cannot be duly appreciated by Mr. Carranza, at a distance, so more so that not finding himself as yet in the case of having to begin military operations near México City, Gen. Carranza is right in not wishing to dispose of these matters at the present time.-On the other hand, it must be taken into consideration that Mr. Carranza is in direct touch with only the military operations, and therefore he has not the opportunity to appreciate in its full weight the importance of the international factors of the situation. - I think it would be a good plan to let the United States Government raise the embargo on arms, basing this procedure on the knowledge that they already have of our tendencies and of the real strenghth of the Revolution, leaving for a later date the consideration of the wisest steps to be taken in order to avoid complications at the time of ending our campaign by the capture of the City of México.-To accomplish this, either Mr. Pesqueira or myself will go to see Mr. Carranza, and as soon as the question of the raising of the raising of the embargo is settled, and we feel quite sure that by presenting to him clearly all those facts and circumstances which is impossible to properly state in telegrams, he would undoubtedly understand the actual situation of the Government in Washington, and he would agree in the points that we have been discussing.-

I beg to remain,
Very sincerely yours,
Luis Cabrera

Original Format



Phillips, William, 1878-1968



Cabrero Lobato, José Luis, “Luis Cabrera to William Phillips,” 1914 January, WWP18322, First Year Wilson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.