Scrapbook page 19


Scrapbook page 19


Headquarters Eastern Department




1917 February 15


Regulations and Information Concerning the Citizens' Training Camps.


Gift of Rev. Shelby Ochs Owen


World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918--War work


Rachel Dark



Is Part Of

Ochs Collection Scrapbook


Governors Island, New York City,

February 15, 1917

No. 9


1. Under the authority vested in the Secretary of War by the National Defense Act, approved June 3, 1916, the following camps will be maintained during the summer of 1917 in the Eastern Department for the military instruction and training of citizens, viz:
Senior Division, Plattsburg, N Y.
Junior Division, Ft. Terry, Plum Island, N. Y., and Portland, Me.

The Senior Camp contemplated at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., is still under consideration, and will be established by the Department Commander only if, in his opinion, the number of prospective students warrant such action.

2. These camps are considered of great value, in that they build up a military reserve by enabling the government, in time of peace, to train citizens for use in time of national emergency. They foster a patriotic spirit, without which a nation soon loses its virility, and falls into decay; they spread among the citizens of the country a more thorough knowledge of military history, military policy, and military needs, all necessary to the complete education of a well equipped citizen in order that he may himself form just and true opinions on military topics. They are of definite value to the citizens who attend them, by giving a healthy, active out-of-door life, and physical training; by teaching them to exercise initiative, command and self-control; by demonstrating the advantages derived from discipline, organization and administration, necessary to modern armies.

3. The objects of these camps are to instruct and train the citizens of the country in the use of arms, and in the tactical use of troops, to teach the military history and policy of the United States and the military conditions existing therein, to meet, in some degree, the pressing and vital need of preparation and equipment, necessary to protect a peaceful and unmilitary people from a violation of their peace and prosperity.

4. The Army Appropriation Bill, approved August 1916, provides funds to maintain camps of instruction and training, and to furnish transportation, subsistence and uniforms to citizens attending these camps. Section III, of General Orders, No. 32, W. D., 1916, provides; “that any citizen who has creditably attended the proscribed series of three camps (Red, White and Blue) shall after undergoing the required physical and practical examinations, be eligible for appointment in the Officers’ Reserve Corps.”

5. The general course of instruction will consist of the basic drills as laid down in the military Drill Regulations. Men attending their first camp will be required to take the prescribed course in infantry instruction. In subsequent camps, men will be allowed to specialize in certain elective courses, and it is the plan of the War Department to broaden and amplify the special courses, so that men attending several camps will always have new and interesting work along the line which they select.


6. Applicants must
(a) be citizens of the United States or have declared intention of becoming such.
(b) be of good moral character and sound physical condition.
( c) be between the ages of 18 and 45 inclusive.
(d) be capable of undergoing severe physical work of drill and maneuver with full infantry equipment.
( e) have normal eyesight or eyesight which can be corrected to normal by the use of glasses.
(f) have qualifications or experience at least equivalent to a high school education.
(g) be vouched for as to their good moral character by the holder of a certificate of satisfactory attendance at a previous Federal Military Training Camp, red, white or blue certificate, or by two other reputable citizens, or by one having satisfactorily completed a course at a previous Federal Camp (senior or junior).

Men between the ages of 45 and 55 may attend without expense to the United States upon obtaining special permission from the department commander.

7. The official designation of the civilians attending Military Training Camps shall be “Federal Reserve Students.”


In the Eastern Department the camps will be divided into two main divisons as follows:

1. The Senior Division for men from 18 to 45 years of age and for men from 45 to 55 who obtain special permission to attend and do so at their own expense.

The Senior Division will have four camps at Plattsburg, New York on the following dates.
1st June 2-July 1, 1917,
2d July 7-Aug. 5, 1917,
3d Aug. 11-Sept. 9, 1917,
4th Sept. 15-Oct. 14, 1917.

2. The Junior Division for boys from 15 to 18 years of age will hold two camps at Fort Terry, Plum Island, New York, during the summer of 1917.
1st June 30-July 29,
2d Aug. 2-Aug. 30,
and two camps at Portland, Me.
1st June 30-July 29,
2d Aug. 2 –Aug. 30.

8. All applicants in applying will sign an agreement to attend for the full period of camp (not exceeding 30 days) unless unforeseen circumstances should prevent, and to obey the rules and regulations established for the government of the camp.

9. Upon reporting and after passing the physical examination, each applicant will take an oath of enlistment for the full period of the camp, not exceeding 30 days, that he will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, and during the period of the camp will obey the orders of the President of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over him, according to the rules and regulations established by the Secretary of War.

10. TRANSPORTATION. –Transportation by the most usual and direct route to and from the camp nearest the applicant’s place of residence will be furnished under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of War.

11. SUBSISTENCE –The United States will furnish subsistence in kind while in camp at a cost not to exceed 50 cents per man per day.

12. CLOTHING –All regularly enlisted reserve students undergoing training will be supplied by the United States for use during camp with
1 Hat, Service,
1 Hat Cord, U. S. T. C.,
1 Coat, Service, Cotton, O. D.,
2 Shirts, Flannel, O. D.,
2 Breeches, Service, Cotton, O. D.,
1 Pair Leggins, Canvas,
1 Pair Shoes, Marching,
1 Set Numbers and Letters for Service Hat,
1 Badge, U. S. T. C. (for left arm),
2 Stripes, Service, black braid, (for each camp completed),
1 Set Marksmanship Insignia (for those qualifying).

13. ARMS & EQUIPMENT. –The government will furnish cots, bedding, including blankets, tentage, cooking and mess outfits, arms and equipment, and such other articles as may be necessary. Each student who draws his uniform from the government will make a deposit of $10.00, and an additional $10.00 deposit to cover loss or damage to arms and other equipment, proper refund being made at the end of the camp.

14. CERTIFICATES OF SERVICE AND INSIGNIA. –Upon satisfactorily completing the prescribed camp each student will receive a certificate of discharge, and the authorized insignia. The Certificate of Discharge and insignia shall be red for the first camp, white for the second and blue for the third.

15. TYPHOID PROPHYLAXIS. –All students under forty-five years of age who have not had typhoid fever, or who are not otherwise protected against it, are urged to take the typhoid prophylaxis. This prophylaxis will be administered at the camp, or to enrolled applicants prior to their arrival at the camps at such places as the department commander may designate, or a supply of the serum, to be administered to enrolled applicants only, may be sent to any reputable physician upon application.


All companies will be commanded by officers of the Regular Army. Those attending the camps will be required to comply with all orders or instructions issued by proper authority, and must earnestly and actively pursue the course of instruction prescribed. Students will be on a cadet status, and while on duty will be subject to strict and just discipline.

17. APPLICATIONS. –Applications to attend camps in this department should be made to,
The Officer in Charge, Training Camps,
Eastern Department,
Governors Island, New York.
(354.1 Regs.)


Colonel General Staff
Chief of Staff

Adjutant General,

Original Format




Headquarters Eastern Department, “Scrapbook page 19,” 1917 February 15, T100490, Adolph S. Ochs Jr. Collection, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.