Correspondence Concerning the Peace Talks
Correspondence Concerning the Peace Talks
McCormick, Harold F. (Harold Fowler), 1872-1941
1918 March 23 - December 5
Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Papers
Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924
McCormick, Harold Fowler, 1872-1941
House, Edward Mandell, 1858-1938
World War, 1914-1918--United States
World War, 1914-1918--Germany
Danna Faulds
WWI1020A, WWI1020B, WWI1020C, WWI1020, WWI1020
Document scan was taken from Library of Congress microfilm reel of the Wilson Papers. WWPL volunteers transcribed the text.
Paris Dec 5-1918
Dear Mr. McCormick
Thank you for your letter of the 25th ultimo, which reached me here in Paris. The length of my stay in Paris is so indefinite that I think it would be inadvisable for you to come to Paris to see me. I am of the opinion that it would be best not to do anything further in the matter at the present time. I shall be glad if you will forward me any interesting matter that may come to your attention.
With kindest regards, I am,
Faithfully yours,
(signed) E. M. House
Berne March 23-1918
Dear Mr McCormick,
I have your note of March 22 informing me of the change in your address. I have telephoned you twice in the last two days but have been unable to get you, therefore I write to say that we shall be very glad to transmit the communication which you spoke of to the Department of State, so that it may be held there pending your arrival in America.
A young man just arrived here from Bordeaux on the French ship “Chicago”, told me that among the passengers were the Chicago Grand Opera Company, which gave some interesting concerts during the voyage.
With best wishes, I remain,
Yours very truly
(signed), P. A. Stovall --
American Minister.
Zurich - April 22 1918
Dear Mr Stovall:-
Relating to your letter of March 23rd and bearing in mind President Wilsons definition of “victory,” and certain passages in his recent Baltimore address, I want to ask if you will send in code at my expense the following cable:
“President Woodrow Wilson
White house,
Upon the justification of a note from Colonel House, I have received a message to carry in person to be delivered to you alone, if you desire to receive it. Please cable me if I may come. - Respectfully Harold F: McCormick”
Trusting you may accord me the above privalege,
I am,
Very Sincerely Yours,
(signed) Harold F: McCormick
Berne May 2-1918
Dear Mr McCormick:-
A telegram has just been received from Washington stating that the President feels that any message which you may care to transmit had better be transmitted through the Minister. This is in reply to the telegram sent at your request.
(signed) Hugh R. Wilson
Zurich May 7-1918
Dear Mr. Wilson: -
Your letter of May 2nd giving me the reply to the telegram you sent at my request, has been received and arrived yesterday.
I thank you for this information and I shall be governed accordingly.
Sincerely yours,
(signed) Harold F. McCormick
Berne May 14-1918
Dear Mr McCormick
A telegram from the Department received today states that if you so desire you may forward a sealed envelope to the President of the United States through the diplomatic pouch.
(signed) Hugh R. Wilson
Zurich May 15-1918
Dear Mr Wilson
Thanks for your letter of May 14th containing addition information which I carefully note.
Sincerely yours,
(signed) Harold F: McCormick
Zurich May 20-1918
Dear Mr. Wilson: -
Again referring to your letter of May 14, I hand you here with a sealed envelope addressed to the President of the United States in accordance with the provisions of your letter.
Can I ask you to inform the President that the message has been mailed.
Sincerely yours,
(signed) Harold F: McCormick
Dear Mr. McCormick
Thank you for your letter of the 25th ultimo, which reached me here in Paris. The length of my stay in Paris is so indefinite that I think it would be inadvisable for you to come to Paris to see me. I am of the opinion that it would be best not to do anything further in the matter at the present time. I shall be glad if you will forward me any interesting matter that may come to your attention.
With kindest regards, I am,
Faithfully yours,
(signed) E. M. House
Berne March 23-1918
Dear Mr McCormick,
I have your note of March 22 informing me of the change in your address. I have telephoned you twice in the last two days but have been unable to get you, therefore I write to say that we shall be very glad to transmit the communication which you spoke of to the Department of State, so that it may be held there pending your arrival in America.
A young man just arrived here from Bordeaux on the French ship “Chicago”, told me that among the passengers were the Chicago Grand Opera Company, which gave some interesting concerts during the voyage.
With best wishes, I remain,
Yours very truly
(signed), P. A. Stovall --
American Minister.
Zurich - April 22 1918
Dear Mr Stovall:-
Relating to your letter of March 23rd and bearing in mind President Wilsons definition of “victory,” and certain passages in his recent Baltimore address, I want to ask if you will send in code at my expense the following cable:
“President Woodrow Wilson
White house,
Upon the justification of a note from Colonel House, I have received a message to carry in person to be delivered to you alone, if you desire to receive it. Please cable me if I may come. - Respectfully Harold F: McCormick”
Trusting you may accord me the above privalege,
I am,
Very Sincerely Yours,
(signed) Harold F: McCormick
Berne May 2-1918
Dear Mr McCormick:-
A telegram has just been received from Washington stating that the President feels that any message which you may care to transmit had better be transmitted through the Minister. This is in reply to the telegram sent at your request.
(signed) Hugh R. Wilson
Zurich May 7-1918
Dear Mr. Wilson: -
Your letter of May 2nd giving me the reply to the telegram you sent at my request, has been received and arrived yesterday.
I thank you for this information and I shall be governed accordingly.
Sincerely yours,
(signed) Harold F. McCormick
Berne May 14-1918
Dear Mr McCormick
A telegram from the Department received today states that if you so desire you may forward a sealed envelope to the President of the United States through the diplomatic pouch.
(signed) Hugh R. Wilson
Zurich May 15-1918
Dear Mr Wilson
Thanks for your letter of May 14th containing addition information which I carefully note.
Sincerely yours,
(signed) Harold F: McCormick
Zurich May 20-1918
Dear Mr. Wilson: -
Again referring to your letter of May 14, I hand you here with a sealed envelope addressed to the President of the United States in accordance with the provisions of your letter.
Can I ask you to inform the President that the message has been mailed.
Sincerely yours,
(signed) Harold F: McCormick
Original Format
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924
McCormick, Harold F. (Harold Fowler), 1872-1941, “Correspondence Concerning the Peace Talks,” 1918 March 23 - December 5, WWP25047, World War I Letters, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.