Answers to Questions at the Paris Peace Conference


Answers to Questions at the Paris Peace Conference


Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924




1919 January 14


Brief responses to written questions, possibly from the journalists present at the conference.


Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library, Staunton, Virginia




Was representation of all powers determined yesterday, or will it be Wednesday?
(Yes, provisionally)

Will Russia be represented? Also Roumania? Will it be by committee of Russians or otherwise? Will Sazanoff, now enroute from Rome to Paris for this purpose be received?
None of this has been determined

Can any light be thrown on reasons for giving Serbia, Portugal and other small powers only one delegate?
None except their relative importance Serbia was allotted 2—as many as any.

Will the 12 delegates allotted to Britain and her colonies vote as a unit representing the empire, or individually?
Separately—the representatives of the dominions being drawn in only when questions directly affecting them are under discussion

Cannot the tentative outline of the league of nations to be laid before the conference be given to the three press associations for simultaneous publication?
No Not yet.

What is the nature of the conference being held today--what subjects being considered?
Just one of the private conversations which will occur between individuals constantly.

We have been in France one month today.

Can you give us a brief expression summing up what you believe to be the biggest accomplishments reached?
I know of none, except constantly improving prospects of getting down to business—

Original Format

Written Answers



Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924, “Answers to Questions at the Paris Peace Conference,” 1919 January 14, WWP15608, Cary T. Grayson Papers, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.