



Woodrow Wilson Birthplace (Staunton, Va.)




No date


Index cards listing events in President Wilson's life.


Woodrow Wilson Library & Museum staff


Woodrow Wilson Library & Museum




Balal Khan




February 1

1912 Governor Wilson's address before the General Assembly of Virginia and the City Council of Richmond

1887 Woodrow Wilson’s essay on Adam Smith entitled "An Old Master" is written.

1916 President Wilson makes an address in Des Moines, Iowa as part of his series on National Defense.

February 2

1916 President Wilson makes an address in Topeka, Kansas as part of his series on National Defense. also he made one at Convention Hall in Kansas City Missouri.

February 3

1914 President Wilson's Proclamation concerning the Shipment of arms to Mexico.

1917 Breaking of Diplomatic relations between Germany and the United States.

1916 President Wilson makes his last speech on national defense at St. Louis, Missouri.

1919 President Wilson delivers an address before the French Chamber of Deputies.

1924 On Sunday at 11:15 am Woodrow Wilson, former President of the United States died. Outside of his house were huge crowds of people kneeling in the street and praying for him.

1916 President Wilson makes an address on National Defense at the Jefferson Hotel in St. Louis Missouri to the Business Men's League.

February 4

1915 President Wilson learned that Germany would use submarine warfare, a blockade , of Great Britain and issued “war zone” warning to neutrals.

1919 President Wilson presents the draft of Covenant of League of Nations to the Paris Peace Conference.

February 6

1921 President Wilson refuses to submit the new railway wage controversy to Congress, on the ground that it is within the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the Railroad Labor Board.

1924 On Thursday Woodrow Wilson was buried in Bethlehem Chapel of the Washington Cathedral. The road from his house to the Cathedral was filled with many thousands of people.

February 10

1915 President Wilson sends a cablegram to Ambassador Gerard (US) in Berlin. Wilson wants a note to the Imperial German Government that if the commanders of German vessels destroy an United States vessel on the high seas, the United States as no other alternative than to recognize this as a violation of its neutral status.

1886 A political essay "Responsible Government under the Constitution" was written by Woodrow Wilson as a defense of his argument for a Cabinet Government in the United States.

February 11

1918 President Wilson delivers an address before a joint session of the Congress adding four more points to the Fourteen Points.

February 12

1909 Address on ''Abraham Lincoln :A Man of the People " on the occasion of the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of Lincoln's birth. In Chicago

1912 Address on Abraham Lincoln’s birth at the Iroquois Club of Chicago at the Hotel LaSalle.

February 14

1919 President Wilson as chairman of the League of Nations Commision, presents the report of the Commision on a plan for a League of Nations.

February 15

1919 President Wilson sails for the United States from France, where he will give the Senate and House Foreign Relations Committees the chance to question him on the proposed league. Also some legislation must be taken care of by the President.

February 21

1903 An LLD Degree is conferred on Woodrow Wilson by the University of Pennsylvania.

February 22

1916 President Wilson in a memorandum to Lord Grey stating that he is willing to prepare to propose a conference of all litigants for the purpose of ending the war.

1921 President Wilson communicates with the Congress, calling their attention to an agreement with Belgium made by the British and French Premiers and by himself, embodied in the letters he has made available to the Congress. He recommends that the Congress take appropriate action in regard to this agreement.

1902 An LLD Degree is conferred on Woodrow Wilson by Johns Hopkins University at the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the University.

February 23

1898 "Edmund Burke and the French Revolution" a Donovan Lecture given by Woodrow Wilson at Johns Hopkins University.

February 24

1912 Woodrow Wilson delivers an address at Nashville, Tennessee on “The Tariff and the Trusts. "

1916 President Wilson writes to Senator Stone notifying Congressional leaders of his opposition to the Gore and McLemore resolutions which warned American citizens that if they embarked on armed merchant vessels of the combatant powers they did so at their own risk. Wilson said this was an abridgement of the rights of an American citizen.

1919 President Wilson lands in Boston, Massachusetts and delivers an address in Mechanic’s Hall at which Governor Calvin Coolidge presided. This was Wilson's first speech in behalf of the League Covenant.

1898 "Walter Bagehot" one of the Donovan Lectures given at Johns Hopkins University by Woodrow Wilson and was later published as "A Wit and a Seer” in Atlantic Monthly of October 1898.

February 26

1912 Woodrow Wilson addresses the New Jersey Legislature.

1917 President Wilson delivers an address at a joint session of Congress requesting authority to arm merchant ships.

February 28

1920 The Transportation Act gave the interstate commerce commision power to establish and maintain rates and power to prescribe minimum rates.

Original Format

Index cards




Woodrow Wilson Birthplace (Staunton, Va.), “February,” No date, T100587, Woodrow Wilson Day by Day Cards, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.