Conditions of an Armistice To Be Eventually Granted to Turkey


Conditions of an Armistice To Be Eventually Granted to Turkey






1918 October 23


Library of Congress, Woodrow Wilson Papers, 1786-1957


1° Demobilisation of the Turkish army, with the exception of the troops necessary to watch over the frontiers and to maintain interior order, (the amount of those forces to be ultimately determined by the Allies.)2°Opening of the Dardanelles and Bosphorus and access to the Black Sea. Occupation by the Allies of the ports of the Dardenelles and Bosphorus.
2° (bis) Prohibition to destroy any naval, military or commercial supplies.
3°Customary freedom of all ports and anchorages, occupied at present by the Turks, to be granted to the Allied ships and refused to the enemy.
4°Surrender of all the naval vessels stationed in Turkish waters or in waters occupied by the Turks. Those vessels shall be interned in one or several ports, as shall be further decided.
5°Operation by the Allies of the wireless stations and of the cables.
6°The position of all mine fields, torpedo tubes, and other obstacles laid in Turkish waters shall be indicated as well as help given to destroy or remove them as will be necessary.
7°Communication of all useful information regarding the mines immerged in the Black Sea.
8°Use of Constantinople as a naval base for the Allies, use of all the navy yards to repair the ships gathered in any Turkish ports and arsenals.
9°Facilities to be granted for the securing of coal, fuel and naval supplies of Turkish origin.
10°Occupation by the Allied troops of important strategic points.
11°Placing of Allied control Officers on all railroads, including those parts of Transcaucasian railroads now under Turkish control, which latter shall be placed at the free and entire disposal of the Allied authorities. This clause includes the occupation by the Allies of Bakou and Batoum.
12°Occupation by the Allies of the system of the Taurus tunnel.
13°Immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops from North Western Persia and Transcaucasia to within the pre-war frontier.
14°Surrender of all garrisons of Hedjaz, Assir, Yemen, Syria, Cilicia and Mesopotomia, to the nearest Allied representative.
15°Surrender of all Turkish Officers in Tripoli and Cyrenaica to the nearest Italian garrison.
16°Surrender of all occupied ports in Tripoli, and Cyrenaica, including Mijarata, to the nearest Allied garrison.
17°Surrender of all Germans and Austrians, whether soldiers, sailors or civilians, to the nearest British or Allied commander.
18°Acceptance of any order that may be eventually given for the disposal of the Turkish army, its equipment, its arms and ammunition, including means of transportation.
19°Appointment of Allied officers to control the supplies of the Army.
20°Gathering in Constantinople and unconditional handing over to the Allies of all Allied prisoners of war and of all the Armenian interned and prisoners of war.
20° (bis) Turkish prisoners of war to remain in the service of the Allied Powers.
21°Obligation for Turkey to cease all relations with the Central Powers.
22°It will be further specified :
(a) that in case any disorder occurs, in the six Armenian "vilayets" the Allies shall have the right to occupy any part of them;
(b) that in application of sections 10, 11, 12, the towns of Siz, Hadjin, Hazeitoun and Anitab shall be occupied./.

Original Format





Unknown, “Conditions of an Armistice To Be Eventually Granted to Turkey,” 1918 October 23, WWP22535, World War I Letters, Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library & Museum, Staunton, Virginia.